How to get there?
Distance from Lima: 758 km..
Ground transportation
From Lima to Pucallpa you can get on any bus – they walk every day in the morning and after dinner. The most recommended bus companies are Tepsa, Transmar, Rey. The route passes through the cities of Lima, Pakasmayo, Cajamarca, Balsas, Leymbamba, the exit to Chachapoyas Pedro Ruiz. The journey takes 18-20 hours.
By air
There are regular flights from Lima (1 hour flight) and from Iquitos (50 minutes flight). The routes can be found from the airlines LATAM, Peruvian, Star Peru.
Also in the region there are proposals for aerotaxi for flights in the province of Padre de Abad, Atalaya and Purus.
Water way
The road is 1021 km long by water to Pucallpa from Iquitos. The journey lasts 3-4 days in winter and 6-7 days in summer (due to low water level).