
We do not raise a dust!

Finally, after an 8-month lockdown due to the COVID-2019 pandemic, the construction of an important road for our ecolodge has been resumed. It will connect the area of Yarinokocha Lake near the town of Pucallpa with the neighboring villages, by which the path to the «UNI RAO» lies.

We do not raise a dust!

This route passes by the settlements of La Paz de Yarinacocha, San Pablo de Tushmo and the village of San José, from which the Cashibococha lagoon is just a stone’s throw away. There a catamaran awaits our guests, ready to drive them straight to the ecolodge dock. The total length of the route will be 5 km.

Uni Rao Ecolodge. Pucallpa, Peru

In general, to get into our ecolodge, you can use two ways. The first is described above. The second one leads from the airport of Pucallpa along the central highway Federico Bazarde, from which after 10.5 km you need to turn to the right, and then drive another 6 km.

To be pretty fair we must say that this road is far from ideal. Only owners of 4х4 vehicles with patience and optimism can overcome it. However, this path is for many a symbolic beginning of a trip to the Peruvian jungle, in the middle of which our ecohotel is located. After all, this is one of the signs of the local identity, for which tourists from all over the world come to Peru. For real extremals, ready to overcome any difficulties to achieve their goals, this road will seem like a trifle at all: it will only stir up their interest.

Here you can feel what La Tierra Colorada is – literally translated from Spanish «Colored Land» – this is how the name of the city of Pucallpa is translated from the language of the Quechua Indians. And this is no coincidence. Roads and lands in this region are represented by soils of red clay, which turns into a dust under the merciless tropical sun. It is carried everywhere by local motorcar drivers (the main vehicle in the Peruvian regions). Usually they are designed for 3 passengers (in addition to the driver), but Pucallpins manage to get into motorcars in 7 persons.

We do not raise a dust!

Sections of local roads that have no asphalt are often littered with pits and potholes. Such a road gets very «entertaining» after tropical showers. Free mud baths are guaranteed. Of course, the healing effect of them is doubtful, but you will experience the ocean of emotions! For this reason, we recommend to use the second route only during the dry season.

But at the end of the path you will find yourself in the heart of the Amazonian selva. The road passes by the huge farm of our neighbor Don Philippe, with whom we maintain warm friendly relations. It is from such local farmers that we buy poultry chicken, eggs and meat – organic and natural products that we serve to our guests in the restaurant at the ecolodge.

However, back to the first route. As already mentioned, it runs directly through the suburb of Pucallpa. Although this path is slightly longer than the second, we use it most of the time. The road passes by small villages where you can feel the real Peruvian identity. In addition, this route leads to the lagoon of the most picturesque lake Cashibococha, on the banks of which our ecolodge is located. And finally, very soon this road will become much more comfortable, as the new construction will get rid of the problem of dust and bumps. By the way, in the waters of Cashibocochf lake live sirens (a local species of mermaids) and а ronin (a guardian serpent from the myths of local Indians). But we’ll talk about this another time. ?