
The Teacher Plant has already blossomed, but we continue to stay in quarantine…

The Peruvian Year for the indigenous communities across the Amazon basin is a calendar of plants` life into which their mystical and practical life is deeply integrated. So May-early June is the period of active flowering of Toé, or Floripondio (Spanish), or Snow-white Brugmansia (Russian), or Khushu Canachari (Shipibo), or Brugmansia candida (Latin), or Angel`s Trumpet (poetic). All these are the names of a famous and iconic plant of stunning beauty.

The Teacher Plant has already blossomed, but we continue to stay in quarantine…

The height of the trunk reaches 2-3 m, the leaves are oval, slightly pubescent with smooth edges, located on petioles up to 13 cm long. But the main thing is white flowers of a tubular structure, up to 25 cm long, hypnotically stupefyingly smelling, especially in the evening and at night.

To our news: the Teacher Plant has blossomed on the territory of “UNI RAO”!!!

The Teacher Plant has already blossomed, but we continue to stay in quarantine…

And since Toé is a sacred plant, which is both part of the deep worldview of the Indians of South America, and one of the most important components of traditional Amazonian medicine, we are in a hurry to share this information with you))).

The Indian rituals associated with Brugmansia are very serious and even dangerous, requiring the practitioner to be thoroughly prepared with a strict diet, because, as the shamans say, the plant does not forgive mistakes. Local Maestros joke: “To learn from Toé, you need iron nerves and sober mind”!)))

The Teacher Plant has already blossomed, but we continue to stay in quarantine…

From a medical point of view, Angel`s Trumpet contain a set of very strong psychotropic substances with pronounced long effects: atropine, tropane alkaloids and, in greatest quantities, scopolamine. All these are the basis of various potent drugs in European medical practice. For example, scopolamine is used today in hospitals as an anesthetic.

With correct use and exact dosages, Toé has a huge range of medicinal properties. For example, plant`s leaves, mixed with mapacho tobacco, as well as some other plants, are used as compresses to treat abscesses, tumors, rheumatism and arthrosis; juice – to heal eye infections and as an anthelmintic and more.

To consider the mystical aspects of the plant, they are in no way inferior to medicinal properties. Here, for example, shamanic interpretations of the plant`s properties: Canachari is used if they want to find a robber (to see him in a dream), or to predict the future. The plant also possesses protective properties and gives invulnerability and clarity of consciousness. Also it is used to fly and to move in time and space))).

The Teacher Plant has already blossomed, but we continue to stay in quarantine…

Maestra Toé, as they usually call this Teacher Plant, often appears in the works of visionary artists, who place her “spiritual” face on almost every work of theirs.

Our ecolodge`s director himself has gone through a year-long diet with this plant. He considers it his basic diet, since it gave him basic knowledge and skills, retained and strengthened his sobriety and clarity of consciousness. He will be happy to share sacred knowledge of ancestral medicine with our guests. Given that they will have serious and respectful attitude to the traditions of shamanism and readiness to follow the recommendations not only of Teachers Plants (Spanish Plantas Maestras), but also of healers and doctors (curanderos&Maestros), and a reasonable attitude to their health))!